
We are believers in sharing our knowledge — whether about a new project, a oft-used technique or just about the condition of the market in general.

Enjoy our blog.

How Are You Going to Sell My Property?

"How are you going to sell my property?" This is usually one of the first things any potential client will ask me when we're discussing the listing and selling process. I enjoy being asked this ...
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Museum District Home

“Roofs Come in Different Colors?”

If you’re like most, you probably rarely pay attention to roofs when it comes to property. About 10 years ago when I was going over a proposal to replace an existing roof with a client ...
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Church Hill Homes

Situs , Situs, Situs!!

Almost sounds like an unpleasant nasal infection doesn't it? In reality though, this is a term you have probably heard dozens of times and have perhaps even stated yourself... but in easy to understand modern ...
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Real Estate Alchemy at Work

What does alchemy have to do with real estate? Alchemy has it’s origin in the concept of turning ordinary materials into the extraordinary. The most easily called to mind is the medieval attempts at converting ...
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